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Mr Pavis' Newsletter: Friday 7th June

Welcome to this week's video newsletter!

After a week of sushi and surfing at Kingsley, I'm now in the main examination hall, where our year 11 and 13 students are working hard on their public examinations. I wish them the best and hope their efforts pay off this summer. A reminder for years 7 to 9 students: their exams start a week from Monday, and they should continue preparing diligently.

Congratulations to our under 13 and under 15 cricket teams for their recent matches and to our year 10 athletics team for advancing to the North Devon League final. Special mentions to Stan, Logan, Sidney, and Charlie for their performances.

Join us for the next PTA coffee morning on June 21st at 8:45 AM in the senior school dining hall. Also, save the date for Kingsley Entertainment on July 2nd, featuring an evening of performances and a social BBQ.

Please remember to return the wellbeing surveys to help us achieve the Wellbeing Awards for Schools accreditation. Thank you for your continued support.

Have a great weekend, and I look forward to speaking to you again next week!