
Spanish Years 7-9


Year 7 students study both French and Spanish and spend approximately half the year on each. They then continue with both languages during Years 8 and 9. During the Spring term of Year 9, pupils and parents are asked to make their GCSE choices and, while a language is not compulsory, all pupils are encouraged to continue with one. We are of course, delighted to see enthusiastic linguists continue with both at GCSE.

Course Details

Over the course of Key Stage 3, pupils study a range of topics in Spanish. In Year 7 these include the foundations such as phonics, the alphabet, classroom items, numbers and dates, family and pets within the broad context of self and family. In Year 8 pupils learn about free time and hobbies, home and local environment with more of an emphasis on verbs and grammar. Year 9 sees the introduction of holidays, school life, technology and family life.

Throughout Key Stage 3, pupils learn a range of tenses and grammar points with the aim of confidently understanding and producing conversations and texts in the past, present and future tenses by the end of Year 9. We frequently practise the skills necessary for language learning: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Translation and Photo description. We also strive to raise awareness of cultural similarities and differences within the Hispanic communities. Students have the opportunity to participate in our annual European Day of Languages celebrations, the MFL Public Speaking Competition and biennial trips to Spain.

Spanish GCSE


GCSE Spanish provides a solid foundation for progression onto other language studies, including A Level Spanish. Students gain a strong grounding in a range of vocabulary, tenses and higher-level structures.

As with Key Stage 3, we frequently practise the skills necessary for language learning with a focus on preparation for the GCSE examinations. We continue to raise awareness of cultural similarities and differences within the Hispanic communities and students are encouraged to participate in our annual European Day of Languages celebrations, the MFL Public Speaking Competition and biennial trips to Spain.

Course Details

Students study the three following themes, on which the AQA GCSE assessments are based:

Theme 1: Identity and culture
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Typical activities

·       Reading and Listening activities to improve vocabulary and comprehension

·       Speaking with teacher and peers (role plays and photo cards)

·       Producing different types of written pieces in the target language

·       Translation activities to and from Spanish

GCSE examinations

Four examinations in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, all worth 25% each. Pupils may sit the Foundation or Higher tier.

Recommended Entry Requirements

GCSE Spanish Grade 6 if studied or; assessment of proficiency. 

Further Considerations

Combines well with all subjects. Often attracts a lower offer from universities when combined with another subject.